CrossFit – Sat, Dec 16
 12/22 Last class of the day is 4:30pm
 12/23 9am reservation required (limit 20) 10am Adv. class reservation required (limit 22)
 12/24 Christmas Eve ~ 12 days of Christmas 7-8:30am reservation required (limit 24) 8:30-10:00am reservation required (limit 24)
 12/25 Christmas Day ~Closed
 12/26 (Tuesday) 8:30am Barbell Fury reservations required (limit 18) 9:30 am CrossFit No reservation needed (no limit) 4:30pm No reservation needed (no limit)All items on the Merch Rack are $20 (unless noted otherwise on the hanger).  Please remember to write down your purchase on the merchandise sheet by the sign in computer.Styku Saturday – 9-12
$39 scan today only!
Get signed up!

Skill Work

Handstand Skills, Holds, Shoulder Taps, Walking, HSPU

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2x 5 min AMRAP 3 Min Rest

10 DB Snatch 30/20 (rx+ 53/35)


4 Inverted Burpees

*Pick up where you left off*