CrossFit – Fri, Jun 21
Youth CF Classes will be on hold 6/13 through 6/25.  Classes will resume on Thursday, June 27th!R & R Weekly Challenge     6/17 – 6/23  Leave a Facebook Review , get a ticket and a 3200M bonus for that day


3 Min Cardio

10 Leg Swings

10 Band Pull Aparts

5 Inch Worms

10 Squats

10 Box Steps ups (no weight)

5 Each runners lunge rotation in place

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

25 Min AMRAP

10 DB Box Step Ups 30/20 (rx+50/35) 24/20″

10 DB Push Press

10 Renegade Rows

10/8 Cal Row/bike/ski


Elevated Pigeon

Kneeling Lat
