CrossFit – Tue, Oct 15
WEAR PINK on Thursday 10/17 for our Breast Cancer WOD & Fundraiser!


Assault Relay Warm Up

Line up 2-4 assault bikes, divide up class evenly.

Person 1 goes 20 seconds hard on Assault bike, jumps off, does 25 feet bear crawl, 10 air squats and runs back to the back of the line behind assault bike.

1-2 rotations time permitting.


3 Min EMOM

2 Clean Pull

2 Power Clean

2 Squat Clean

Min 1 Bar, Min 2 & 3 add weight

Squat Clean (5×5 Record heaviest 1×5)
Metcon (Time)

6 Rounds – 15 min Cap

8 Power Cleans 115/75 (rx+ 135/95)

16 Wall Balls 20/14

20 Med Ball Sit Ups (Start on your back ball in hands straight up, end in finish position with ball overhead.



prone shoulder
