CrossFit – Mon, Feb 10
Presidents Day 2/17 8:30 & 9:30 only – reservations neededLadies Night Out – Thursday, February 20th 6pm @ Canyon Club Danville.Intramural “Open” Community Event. Sat March 1st, 8th, 15th. 1 Wod, 1 Game, randoms teams drawn each day. A new theme each week, endless fun, and a brunch & drinks each day to celebrate as prizes are passed out. This event is suitable for all levels of CF. Points awarded for guests too – so bring friends and family.
Age categories: Teens 14-17, Adults 18+. If you're doing the CF Open as well, sign onto the Main site and get signed up for that – we will have judges for you.
Regular classes will NOT be held on these dates. $50 per participant. It's ok if you cannot make all 3 dates.
Age categories: Teens 14-17, Adults 18+. If you're doing the CF Open as well, sign onto the Main site and get signed up for that – we will have judges for you.
Regular classes will NOT be held on these dates. $50 per participant. It's ok if you cannot make all 3 dates.
Reverse Tabata
Row/Bike Ski
10 Leg Swings Ea.
10 Alt Reverse Lunge
5 Inch Worm
20 Band Good mornings
20 DB Lateral Raise
20 DB Front Raise
20 Db Push Press
Push Press (3@70%, 3@ 80%, max @ 90%)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds
200 M Run
12 Deadlift 95/65 (135/95)
8 S2OH
16 min Cap
Prone Shoulder
½ Kneeling Thoracic
Kneeling Hamstring
Monday Fix
Sickness, Wellness, Fitness Continuum