Get signed up for the Nutrition 101 Clinic 10/21 & the Upside Down Clinic 10/23!
15 minutes with coach
200 m run, row, ski
Foam Roll – hard plastic roller if you can handle it
Lacrosse Ball
Green band stretching – upper and lower body
pigeon stretch
200 m run, row, ski
Foam Roll – hard plastic roller if you can handle it
Lacrosse Ball
Green band stretching – upper and lower body
pigeon stretch
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2:30 on, 1 minute rest.
10 DB box step ups 35/20# 24/20" box (rx+ 50/35#)
10 Alternating DB Snatch
*Pick up where you left off*
Score is rounds and reps
2:30 on, 1 minute rest.
10 DB box step ups 35/20# 24/20" box (rx+ 50/35#)
10 Alternating DB Snatch
*Pick up where you left off*
Score is rounds and reps
Bonus Abs
20 Sit Ups
10 Mermaids each side
10 Second L-Sit in the rings
20 Sit Ups
10 Mermaids each side
10 Second L-Sit in the rings