Any Designs for Health supplement in stock, 20% off.

2 rounds
100 m run
50 Ft bear crawl
50 Ft Soldier kick
plate push 1 length on turf

60% Shoulder Press Max
2 Shoulder press
3 Push Press
4 Push Jerk
Push Press (7-7-5-5-3-3 record heaviest 3)
Metcon (Weight)
16 min EMOM
1. 5 Hang Power Cleans (60% of Push Press Max) 4 Burpees over the bar
2. 6 Push Press (same bar) 6 Push Ups
3. Row 12/10 (rx+ 15/12)
4. 14 Wall Balls 20/14 (rx+ 30/20#)

score is weight on the barbell – rx & rx+ is you completed all rounds to standard and within the 1 minute limit per round