CrossFit – Mon, Jun 26
Who's ready for the Summer 54 Hard Challenge?  It kicks off Monday, July 10th…stay tuned for details!4th of July – Join us for a 7am workout!


Xo Sym Activation

Then go into practicing the movements for the Metcon

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

1 min on 1 min work

1. Ski Erg

2. Peg Board (scaled = use foot holds or do ring rows)

3. Sled Push 135/95 30 Ft = 1 Rep

4. Push Ups

5. Shuttle Runs 25 ft. down & back (50 ft) = 1 rep

6. Toes to Rings

7. Slam Ball 10#

8. Sandbag Cleans Big/Small

9. GHD Sit Ups

10. Assault Bike

Score = total reps + calories