CrossFit – Fri, Jun 7
R & R Challenge starts June 1st!
Don't forget to grab your raffle ticket when you earn one, put your name on it and put it in the jar!
Go rack up those Meters!    6/1 – 6/8 Leave a Yelp review  get a ticket and 3200M bonus for that day!Youth CF Classes will be on hold 6/13 through 6/25.  Classes will resume on Thursday, June 27th!


3 Min Cardio


10 Leg Swings

10 Band Pass Thru

10 Band Pull Apart

10 Single arm band press each side

5 Kip Swings

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

25 Min AMRAP

1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4…

Thruster 95/65 (rx+ 115/75)

Toes 2 Bar

After each round 10/8 Cal row/bike/ski


3 POS scorpion


up/down dog