CrossFit – Sat, Jun 8
R & R Challenge starts June 1st!
Don't forget to grab your raffle ticket when you earn one, put your name on it and put it in the jar!
Go rack up those Meters!    6/1 – 6/8 Leave a Yelp review  get a ticket and 3200M bonus for that day!Youth CF Classes will be on hold 6/13 through 6/25.  Classes will resume on Thursday, June 27th!


hamstring sweep

runners lunge

side lunge

inch worm

10 DB Rows

Death March w/DBs

Accessory Work


10 Slant Board goblet squat

8 single leg RDL

8 Bulgarian Split Squat

8 Cossack squat

#OllieStrong (AMRAP – Rounds)
5 x 3 min amrap w/1 minute rest
Score Full Rounds
3 Deadlift 155/105 + 185/125
6 Ring Rows
9 DB Push Press 30/20 + 50/35




standing quad stretch

kneeling lat