CrossFit – Mon, Jul 22
 Free goal assessment & Styku scans in July for current members! Check the July newsletter for more information


2 min Cardio

Solider Kicks


Inch Worm

Side Lunge

30 Second Bar Hang

10 Hanging Knee Raises

5 Kip Swings

5 T2B

Accessory Work


8 Snatch grip shoulder press

5 Cuban Press

8 Lateral Raise – all the way up

8 each alternating single arm front raise – all the way up

8 each single single arm tricep press – standing

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

15 Toes to Bar

15 Box Jumps 24/20″

rest 2 minutes

3 Rounds

15 Hollow Rock

12 DB Box Step Ups 30/20 (rx+ 50/35)

Score is time including rest


3 POS scorpion


Prone Shoulder