CrossFit – Sun, Jul 28
 Free goal assessment & Styku scans in July for current members! Check the July newsletter for more information


10 leg Swings

10 PVC Pass Thrus

10 PVC thrusters

10 PVC good mornings

200M Run

2x w/bar

5 Front Squat

5 Push Press

5 Thrusters

5 Scaled dips

Accessory Work

Core accessory


6 hip & back Ext

15 Superman

6 Nordics

20 Sec L Sit (parallettes)

12 Windshield Wiper

8 Seated good mornings

Metcon (Time)

Build thruster to 80% of 1RM


6 Rounds

7 Thrusters 65% of 1RM

7 Ring Dips (rx+ 4 Ring MU)


3 POS Scorpion

up/down Dog

Wall tricep