CrossFit – Mon, Jul 29
 Free goal assessment & Styku scans in July for current members! Check the July newsletter for more information


Hamstring Sweep

Runners Lunge

15 Supermans

15 Hollow Rocks

15 Air Squats

50 Ft Death March

w/Bar 2x:

8 Good mornings

8 Jefferson curls

8 Seated Good mornings

8 Back Squats

8 Push Press

Deadlift (Build to 3 rep max)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

12 min EMOM

  1. Row 12/10 (rx+ 15/12)
  2. 2 Bear Complex: power clean, Front Squat, Push press, Back Squat, Push Press 95/65 (rx+ 115/75)



Up/Down Dog

Prone Shoulder