Xmas Eve Wod 9:30am!
*We will set up a wod in the system for Xmas that you can do anywhere – if you’d like to log in your "score" you certainly can! Happy Holidays to you and yours 🙂

Who’s ready for “Buddy the Elf” Partner Wod?
Buddy The Elf Partner Wod (Time)
For Time – NO CAP
150 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Partner Burpees – one partner holds a plank, the other does a burpee and jumps over the planking partner
75 dumbbell Snatch 50/30
500 Meter Row or ski erg – one partner hangs from the rig while the other rows/skis – switch as needed. Row/ski stops when partner drops from the hang
100 partner Med Ball Sit ups 20/14 – you both do 100 sit ups, no resting when your partner has the ball
150 Med Ball Overhead Lunges
Partition in any order! Use a white board and make sure you don’t miss anything :O)

Bonus Abs
heel taps