CrossFit – Wed, Sep 27
SUNDAY 10/1 1st ever CFSR Group Bike Ride
Meet up at CFSR @ 9:30am.
Eyal has chosen an awesome group ride route that will start and end at the gym.
This does Not affect our regular CrossFit class schedule 8:30 & 9:30am.Youth CrossFit Schedule Change
Class will be held at 4:30pm

MaMaHom (Time)
14 RFT
3 Pull Ups
3 Deadlifts 225/155
Buy out – 5 rope climbs
MamaHom Scaled (Time)
14 RFT
3 DB Push Pres 25/15
3 Jumping Pull Ups in Rings
3 Deadlifts 115/75 (rx+ 155/105)
Buy Out 10 rope climbs from your back to standing
MaMaHom Masters (Time)
14 RFT
3 DB Push Press 15/10 (rx+ 2 mat HSPU)
3 Jumping Pull ups in Rings (rx+ Pull Ups)
3 Deadlifts 95/65
Buy Out 5 Rope Climbs from back (rx+ 1/2 way up rope)