CrossFit – Sun, Nov 26
The Giving Tree is up – we've joined forces with Broken to Priceless and adopted 5 local families in need.  Please take a tag off the tree and bring the unwrapped present back with the tag taped to it by December 11thCFSR Annual Christmas Party – Saturday 12/2 1-3:30 Potluck Luncheon with White elephant gift exchange & ugly sweater contest!
All are welcome – please RSVP on the bulletin board sign up sheet, or online sign up sheet!

Deadlift (3×15 60-65%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


2 Min Amrap

5 Hang Power Cleans 75/55 (rx+ 115/75)

6 Thrusters

1 min rest

*Pick up where you left off)