CrossFit – Wed, May 15
Sunday 5/19 1 class 8:30am
10am Perimenopause & Menopause Workshop.  In person & zoom.  $50 per participant.  Event is open to the public as well.


5 rounds of Rowling – 1 wall ball penalty for each meter over 100

Accessory Work

Xo Sym activtion


5 ea. leg single leg RDL

5 ea. leg Bulgarian split Squat

5 ea. curtsey squat

5 ea pistols

5 nordics

Metcon (Time)

For time – 20 Min CAP

500 M Row

40 Wall Balls 20/14

30 KB Swings 53/35

20 Pistols

5 Wall Walks

–2 minute rest–

5 wall walks

20 pistols

30 KB Swings

40 Wall Balls

400 M Run

  1. 3 Position Scorpio
  2. 90/90 Hip
  3. Prone shoulder