CrossFit – Thu, Jun 27
Youth CF Classes will be on hold 6/13 through 6/25.  Classes will resume on Thursday, June 27th!R & R Bonus Challenge
   6/24 – 6/30 Bring a Guest    , get a ticket and a 3200M bonus for that day – EVERY NEW GUEST GETS YOU THIS BONUS!!


2 min cardio


Runners Lunge

Inch Worm

10 Each Banded leg split jerk position

5 split stance Shoulder Press

Skill Work

Split Jerk Technique

Split Jerk (4×6 @ 60%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP

10 Push Jerks 75/55 (rx+ 95/65)

8 Hang Power Cleans

6 Sumo DL high Pull


Overhead Bands

Up/Down Dog

Prone Shoulder