CrossFit – Sun, Feb 9
Presidents Day 2/17 8:30 & 9:30 only – reservations neededLadies Night Out – Thursday, February 20th 6pm @ Canyon Club Danville.Intramural “Open” Community Event. Sat March 1st, 8th, 15th. 1 Wod, 1 Game, randoms teams drawn each day. A new theme each week, endless fun, and a brunch & drinks each day to celebrate as prizes are passed out. This event is suitable for all levels of CF. Points awarded for guests too – so bring friends and family.
Age categories: Teens 14-17, Adults 18+. If you're doing the CF Open as well, sign onto the Main site and get signed up for that – we will have judges for you.
Regular classes will NOT be held on these dates. $50 per participant. It's ok if you cannot make all 3 dates.
Age categories: Teens 14-17, Adults 18+. If you're doing the CF Open as well, sign onto the Main site and get signed up for that – we will have judges for you.
Regular classes will NOT be held on these dates. $50 per participant. It's ok if you cannot make all 3 dates.
Skill Work
POSE running technique
Forward hop
POSE position
Stationary pulls
Forward backward run
Forward Lunge
Jump Rope Drill
Blind Hill Drilll
4-3-2-1 go forward lunge
Flat Mile (Time)
Flat Mile – for Time
Run the flat mile:
To the stoplight on the corner of Crow Canyon and Old Crow Canyon Rd.
at 15 minute on the clock – start hill mile
Hill Mile (Time)
Hill Mile for Time
at the 100M mark, turn left and go up and over the hill.
You’ll see the MILE marker in the street. If you end up at the next intersection you went too far
Standing Pancake
Run Clinic Warm Up
Circles: ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, neck, arm, wrist
rotation: TaiChi, Torso, Runners Lunge
Side to Side: Ankle rolls, side lunge, carioca, Gate openers
Front to back: knee to chest, samson, switch feet hops