Lori’s Bday Wods must always include OHS.

Accessory Work
3x Max reps barbell Bicep Curls – superset with 10 push ups at the end of each set
4xs 30 sec on 30 sec rest banded tricep pull downs
3×20 DB Front raise Superset with 20 lateral raises
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
"1/2 my age"
24 min amrap (because 42 min felt more like a friday wod)
21 OHS 75/55 (rx+) 95/65
21 Burpees
21 Hang Power Cleans
21 V Ups (rx+) Toes 2 Bar
21 Box Dips (rx+) Ring Dips
*You’re welcome* :O)