Metcon (Time)
40 min cap
For Time – partner WOD
both working at the same time in ANY order
1000M Row
1000M Run
100 OHS 75/55 (rx+) 95/65
100 Burpees
100 KB Snatch 35/26 (rx+) 53/35
60 T2B
60 Front rack lunge
40 Pull Ups (rx+) C2B
40 Thrusters
40 Headcutters
20 V Ups
20 Jackknife Sit Ups
20 Sit Ups
10 TGU
10 HSPU 1 Mat (rx+) 4" defecit
10 Wall Climbs
For Time – partner WOD
both working at the same time in ANY order
1000M Row
1000M Run
100 OHS 75/55 (rx+) 95/65
100 Burpees
100 KB Snatch 35/26 (rx+) 53/35
60 T2B
60 Front rack lunge
40 Pull Ups (rx+) C2B
40 Thrusters
40 Headcutters
20 V Ups
20 Jackknife Sit Ups
20 Sit Ups
10 TGU
10 HSPU 1 Mat (rx+) 4" defecit
10 Wall Climbs
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