Advanced extra options are under CrossFit

Shoulder Press (5×4 80-85%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
20 min emom
1. 100 m row, bike, run
2. 10 Burpees + 12
3. 12/10 row or bike or 100m run
4. 14 Dumbbell front rack lunge 30/20 (rx+) 50/35
5. 12/10 bike or row, or 100m run

Accessory Work
5×20 Donkey Calf Raises
5×10 Banded Jumps
5×5 seated box jump
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
Equipment free wod
shoulder accessory
6×8 front raise
6×8 snow angel
6×8 wagon wheel
6×10 second reverse grip plank body as far forward over hands as possible

20 min EMOM
1. 10 burpees + 12
2. 14 front rack lunge (backpack)
3. run 100 M or 50 high knee in place
4. 10 Push Ups + 12
5. 15 Sit Ups + 20

10,000 rep challenge (AMRAP – Reps)
First person to hit 10,000 reps wins!
1000 reps of the following 10 exercises. You can partition however you like! We will have 1 RX and 1 Scaled winner 🙂
Use the comment field to track your breakdown each time you update your total reps.
1. Squats
2. Lunges
3. Push Ups
4. Sit Ups
5. Burpees
6. Mountain Climbers (rx – is knees touching tricep))
7. Jumping Jacks
8. Calf Raises against the wall
9. Hollow Rocks
10. Supermans