SDW 5:45am & 5:30pm, must reserve a spot in wodify to attend
Hang Snatch (4×3 )
Snatch (4×3 Full snatch)
Accessory Work
5×6 OHS, 6 snatch balance, 6 Snatch
5×6 OHS, 6 snatch balance, 6 Snatch
3×30 seconds stiff leg bridge, 30 sec hinge hold with snatch grip, 30 second handstand hold
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
24 min amrap
10 Push Ups
5 Curtis P complex:
(power clean
Push press)
200 M Run
Choose your item for this wod – barbell w/weights, without, Dumbbells, Dumbbell, KettleBell, Sandbag, backpack – you get the idea
10 Push Ups
5 Curtis P complex:
(power clean
Push press)
200 M Run
Choose your item for this wod – barbell w/weights, without, Dumbbells, Dumbbell, KettleBell, Sandbag, backpack – you get the idea