8:30am In House Throwdown – teams of 2
15 teams total, make sure you reserved a spot!

Metcon (Time)
Mini Bert – For Time
50 burpees – 10 shuttle runs
100 push ups – 10 shuttle runs
100 push ups – 10 shuttle runs
150 walking lunges – 10 shuttle runs
200 air squats – 10 shuttle runs
10% rep penalty for every coach on a team

Metcon (Time)
Chipper For Time
Squat Thrusts
Goblet Squat
2-12# 200 reps of each
15-35# 150 reps of each
40#+ 100 reps of each
partner holds squat or plank
10% rep penalty added per coach
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 minute max sit ups
1 works 1 rests
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 minute carioca toilet paper shuffle – max laps. 1 works 1 rests