Surviving the Holidays Nutrition Clinic starts this Thursday!
Clean and Jerk (5×3 75-80%)
Metcon (Weight)
16 min EMOM
1. 6 Hang Power Cleans & 4 Burpees over the bar
2. 6 Front Squats & 4 burpees over the bar
3. 6 Shoulder to Overhead & 4 burpees over the bar
4. 6 Deadlifts & 4 burpees over the bar
score = weight rx= all 16 rounds complete
1 bar for all movements
1. 6 Hang Power Cleans & 4 Burpees over the bar
2. 6 Front Squats & 4 burpees over the bar
3. 6 Shoulder to Overhead & 4 burpees over the bar
4. 6 Deadlifts & 4 burpees over the bar
score = weight rx= all 16 rounds complete
1 bar for all movements
Nov 2020 Row 250M (Time)
Set rower to 250 M for exact time
Nov 2020 500m Row (Time)
Set rower to 500M for exact time
Nov 2020 1000M Row (Time)
Set rower to 1000m for exact time
Nov 2020 2000M Row (Time)
Set rower to 2000 meters for exact time
Total Distance Rowed (Distance)
Total Distance rowed in meters – using wodify, add previous total to new daily total and update as you go.