Getting rid of some used sneakers? Bring them in and we will send them off to Sneakers4Funds – they provide jobs in Haiti and donate a % to Fortified Strength!

200 M run
10 Jumping Jacks
3 inch worms with push up
10 Squats
Empty Bar: 5 push press 5 OHS 5 GM
Push Press (5@75%, 3@85%, Max @ 95%)
Push Jerk (@ same weight as Push Press, 1 max set Push Jerk)
Metcon (Time)
For Time
DB Squat C&J 30/20 + 50/35
Box Jump Overs 24/20 + 30/24

Bonus Abs
100 Shoulder Taps – hold tight plank, butt low – don’t swing hips. Finish in as few breaks as possible.

6:30pm Weightlifting Class – Clean & Jerk
Stick work – clean, hang clean, power clean – Split Jerk
Empty Bar – same
3×3 Clean Pulls
3×3 Hang Squat Cleans
3×3 Clean & Split Jerk
Clean and Jerk (Squat clean & Split Jerk 5×3 – record heaviest 1×3)