Join Coach Darren at 5:30am for his last CFSR WOD with us. We will miss you, Darren and look forward to your dropping in when you’re in town!
The Thirteen (Time)
13 RFT
26 Cal Row
8 Strict Pull Ups
21 S2OH 95/65
26 Cal Row
8 Strict Pull Ups
21 S2OH 95/65
Scaled The 13 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
26 min amrap
13 Cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200 M run
8 Ring Rows RX+ Banded Pull Ups
21 Dumbbell Press 12.5/7.5 rx+ 15/10
13 Cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200 M run
8 Ring Rows RX+ Banded Pull Ups
21 Dumbbell Press 12.5/7.5 rx+ 15/10