Saturday 10/16 – CFSRs 13th anniversary party!
2xs Couch Stretch
200 M Run
bear crawl, soldier kick, samson stretch, Side Lunge
200 M Run
bear crawl, soldier kick, samson stretch, Side Lunge
Back Squat (5@75%, 3@85%, max @ 95%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2xs – 5 Min amrap
6 V-Ups
6 Hollow Rock
2 Man Makers 30/20 + 50/35
2 Min rest
Pick up where you left off – score rounds and reps
6 V-Ups
6 Hollow Rock
2 Man Makers 30/20 + 50/35
2 Min rest
Pick up where you left off – score rounds and reps