100 M run
soldier kicks, samson stretch, side lunge, high knees
PVC warm up
soldier kicks, samson stretch, side lunge, high knees
PVC warm up
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
"Community Standards"
Partner Wod – Sharing in the fun!
26 min AMRAP
100 Singles (rx+ DU)
50 Wall Balls 14/10 (rx+ 20/14#)
200 M Farmers Carry -use 2 DB 25/15#) (Rx+ 400 M)
80 Shoulder Taps
At 26 minutes – 30 Clean & Jerk for time.
Divide work however you wish between partners, complete work in order as written
Write your 30 C& J time in the comment section
Partner Wod – Sharing in the fun!
26 min AMRAP
100 Singles (rx+ DU)
50 Wall Balls 14/10 (rx+ 20/14#)
200 M Farmers Carry -use 2 DB 25/15#) (Rx+ 400 M)
80 Shoulder Taps
At 26 minutes – 30 Clean & Jerk for time.
Divide work however you wish between partners, complete work in order as written
Write your 30 C& J time in the comment section
8am class
9am Brunch
9:30am class