9:30 & 10:30 am today

Max Out Day – let’s get warm
400 m run or row
10 PVC pass thru, OHS, GM, Leg kicks, around the world
10 scapula pull ups – extra stretching for the chest and back if needed
2021 Final Workout (Time)
Buy in 30 Cal Row/Bike/Ski

5 Rounds
40 Double Unders / 80 Singles
20 Wall Balls 20/14
15 Burpees
5 Power Cleans 135/95 rx+ 155/105
3 Push Jerks

Buy out 30 Cal Row/Bike/Ski

Pull-ups (Note Butterfly, Kip, strict, band etc)
Bar Muscle-ups (Max reps)
Muscle-ups (Max reps)
Push-ups (Max reps)
Double-Unders (Max reps)
Ring Dips (Max reps)
2 min Max Air Squats (AMRAP – Reps)
2 min Max Air Squats
Sit-ups (2 minutes for max reps)
500m Row (Time)
Max Effort 500m Row