CrossFit – Sat, Dec 24
Christmas Eve – 12 Days of Christmas – 2 classes
7:30am – 9:00am
9:00am – 10:30amNew Pullover Hoodies Added $45
Brand New T-shirts & Tanks $20Christmas Day – No Classes, enjoy a wonderful & blessed day with family & friends! Monday 12/26 Reduced Schedule
6:30, 8:30 & 9:30am, 4:30pm  12/27-12/29 REGULAR SCHEDULE

12 days of Christmas (Time)
1 power snatch (105/75)
2 ring dips
3 burpees
4 pull ups
5 t2b
6 push ups
7 air squats
8 jumping lunges
9 box jumps(24/20)
10 wall balls(20/14)
11 kb swings 53/35
12 thrusters (105/75)
Performed like the song- each time you move on to another exercise you must go back and do the previous exercises before you advance.

You can choose to do Jeff Drouin’s 12 Days of Christmas – posted below

Jeff Drouin’s 12 Days of Xmas (Time)
1 Power Clean 95/65
2. Front Squat
3. Shoulder Press
4. Back Squat
5. Arm Curls
6. Power Snatch
7. Pendlay Rows
8. Deadlift
9. Push Jerk
10. Hang Clean
11. Sumo Deadlift
12. Push Press