CrossFit – Thu, Jun 22
Who's ready for the Summer 54 Hard Challenge?  It kicks off Monday, July 10th…stay tuned for details!


warm up snatch – bottom position, work for deep squat – solid shoulder position

Skill Work

Snatch Skill

Overhead Squat w/10 sec pause on the bottom, push for position not load (5 min)

Snatch Balance w/ 2 sec pause at the bottom (3 min)

Hang Snatch (3 min)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

8 min Amrap

Squat Snatch

Record # of perfect Reps based upon:

1. Fluid Motion

2. Contact at power position

3. Caught in Squat

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8 Min Amrap

4 Squat Snatch 75/55 (rx+ 115/75)

20 Mtn Climbers