CrossFit – Wed, Aug 16
Family Day Sunday 8/20.  8:30 CrossFit 9:30 Zumba 10:30 Ice Cream Social
RSVP for Ice Cream Social, pleaseGI Spotlight test is available!
Figure out what's causing your abdominal distress and fix it!
Contact Coach Lori to get yours ordered today!YOGA!  Saturday 8/19 @ Noon (after Advanced class)  Come join us for a 45 minute restorative yoga session5th Annual In House Lift Off Saturday 9/9 8am

Accessory Work


6 Good Mornings – light load

50 Ft Death March

6 Single Leg RDL

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min Amrap

20 Double Unders

10 Crossovers

10 Alternating DB Push Ups

10 DB Snatch 30/20 (rx+ 50/35)