CrossFit – Wed, Sep 6
NO CrossFit Classes this Saturday – instead we have the
5th Annual In House Lift Off Saturday 8am (doors open at 7:30 to warm up)Sunday 9/10
Crossfit 8:30 entire gym  & 9:30 (suite O)
Zumba 9:30 Suite N $10 drop in for this class
Cash or Venmo

Run Ladder (Time)

100 M run + 10 shuttle runs (1 shuttle = down and back tape lines)

1 min rest

200M run + 10 Shuttle

2 min rest

400M Run + 10 Shuttle

3 min Rest

200M run + 10 Shuttle

2 min rest

100m run + 10 shuttle

1 min rest

10 Shuttle run

25 min Cap

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

5 Strict pull Ups

5 Ring Dip

10 DB Snatch 30/20 (rx+ 50/35)

1 min rest

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for Time

10 Single Arm DB C&J

5 Ring Dips

5 Pull ups (kipping ok)