CrossFit – Sat, Oct 7
ZUMBA this Sunday 10/8 9:30am in Suite O
Regular CrossFit times 8:30 & 9:30 in Suite N
Zumba is open to everyone – CFSR member or not.  $10 per personBINGO
Grab your sheet – gift card prizes for the winners!15th Anniversary Party
Sat 10/21 5-9pm
80s Movie Theme


Hip Circle Activation

Accessory Work


Bulgarian Split Squat

Slant Board Goblet Squat

Courtsey Squat

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner wod – I Go, You Go.

20 Min Amrap

10 Box Jumps 24/20″

10 Toes 2 Bar

10 KB SDLHP 53/35 (rx+ 70/53)