CrossFit – Fri, Oct 20
15th Anniversary Party
Sat 10/21 5-9pm
80s Movie Theme
RSVPFamily Day & Free Guest Day
CrossFit Sunday 10/22 @ 8:30 & 9:30ZUMBA!!! 9:30 in Suite O $5 kids, $10 adults
Ice Cream Social
Sunday 10/22 @ 10:30
Suite NHoodie Pre Order Time!
2 colors this year: Heather Mauve or Black.
S & L sample on the clothing rack so you can try them on and determine your size!

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

30 Min Amrap

TEAMS OF 4 – 1 at each station, rotate every minute on the minute. Everyone rests at 5th Minute.

Score is total Reps

1. Box Step Ups 20″ box (no weight)

2. Sit Ups

3. Double Unders

4. DB Snatch 30/20 (rx+ 50/35)