CrossFit – Tue, Nov 14
PINK OUT – 11/14 Grace WOD & more for our Breast Cancer FoundationYouth CrossFit Changes!  Week of 11/20-11/26 No Classes
Beginning week of 11/27 Class time is 3:45-4:30.  New Pricing too!  6 visit pass $132 (good for 2 months) unlimited $199FAMILY & GUEST DROP IN RATE of $10 from 11/17 – 11/26
Share the gift of fitness for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekThe Giving Tree is up – we've joined forces with Broken to Priceless and adopted 5 local families in need.  Please take a tag off the tree and bring the unwrapped present back with the tag taped to it by December 11th

Power Clean & Power Jerk (80% Power clean & Push Jerk
Grace (Time)
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#