 CFSR's 2nd Annual 75 Hard Challenge begins Monday, January 8th.
 Kick off meeting & Styku scans are Friday 4:30pm or Saturday 11:30am$3 Nitro Cold Brew all of January10% off all Designs For Health Supplements in January.

The Final – Level 1 (Advanced) (AMRAP – Reps)
12 Min amrap
50 OHS 95/65 (Rx+ 115/75)
every 2 minutes Stop & do
5 Toes 2 Bar & 5 Burpee Box Jump 24/20"
At min 6
50 Power Snatch
Every 2 minutes 5 Pull Ups & 5 Burpee Box Jumps (Rx+ 5 Chest To Bar)
Score total OHS & PS
The Final – Level 2 (intermediate) (AMRAP – Reps)
12 Min amrap
50 OHS 75/55
every 2 minutes Stop & do
5 Toes 2 Bar & 5 Burpee Box Jump 24/20" (scaled – Hanging knee raise and burpee box step ups)
At min 6
50 Power Snatch
Every 2 minutes 5 Pull Ups & 5 Burpee Box Jumps (Scaled Ring Rows, arms directly under rings)
Score total OHS & PS
The Final – Level 3 (Beginner) (AMRAP – Reps)
12 Min amrap
50 OHS 45/35
every 2 minutes Stop & do
5 Toes 2 Bar & 5 Burpee Box Jump 24/20" (scaled – Hanging knee raise and burpee box step ups)
At min 6
50 Power Snatch
Every 2 minutes 5 Pull Ups & 5 Burpee Box Jumps (Scaled Ring Rows – note your position on the rings)
Score total OHS & PS

Weight Lifting 4:30pm
Reverse Tabata on Assault Bike
Empty Bar Clean & Jerk Technique
Clean Pull (1×3 70%, 1×3 80%, 1×3 90%, 2×3 105%)
3 position Clean (7×1 each gets heavier record heaviest)
High Hang, Above Knee, Full Clean
Do not drop bar.

Bonus Abs
3x max weighted plank