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$204 weeks Sunday Skill Workshops 10:30-Noon  $30 each
1/28 Kipping, Pull Ups, Toes 2 Bar
2/4 Chest 2 Bar, Butterfly, Bar Muscle Up, Ring Muscle Ups
2/11 Jump rope, Double Unders, Crossovers
2/18 Wall Walks, Handstand Push Ups, Handstand Walking

Fartlek (speed play) running
800 m run warm up
1 mile run – 100 m fast, 100m slow, 200 M fast, 200 m slow, 400 M fast, 400 M slow, 200 M fast, 200 M slow.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner Workout
4 min each exercise
30 seconds on 30 seconds rest. 1 person works, while the other rests.
1 minute rest between each 4 min round.
1. Sled Push 150/90
2. C2 Bike
3. Farmers Carry 70/53 in each hand
4. Sandbag Cleans
5. Tire Flips