CrossFit – Fri, Feb 16
Order your West Coast Best Coast CF Open T-Shirt!
So many colors & sizes to choose from.
$20Sunday Skill Workshops 10:30-Noon $30 each
2/18 Wall Walks, Handstand Push Ups, Handstand Walking

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

25 Min Amrap

12 Sit Ups (rx+ GHD)

12 Air Squats (rx+ Pistols)

7 DB press 35/20 (rx+ HSPU)

7 Box Jumps 24/20″ (rx+ 30/24″)

7 Pull Ups (rx+ C2B)

3 Ring Dips (rx+ MU)

3 Power Clean 135/95 (rx+ 185/125)