CrossFit – Mon, May 6
Mother's Day – Join us at our regular class times and enjoy a wonderful workout, followed by mimosas and flowers!


Hamstring Sweep


Runners Lunge

Inch Worm

Side Lunge


8 Good Mornings

8 Jefferson Curl

8 Back Squat

5 shoulder press

10 Superman

Deadlift (6×4 record heaviest 1×4)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

12 Min EMOM

1. 12/10 Cal Assault Bike (rx+ 15/12)

2. 6 DL 55% 1 Rm & 10 Push Ups

3. 12/10 Cal Row (rx+ 15/12)

4. 6 DL & 10 Push Ups

  1. Bretzel
  2. Doorway Chest Stretch
  3. Pancake