CrossFit – Thu, May 9
Mother's Day – Join us at our regular class times and enjoy a wonderful workout, followed by mimosas and flowers!Sunday 5/19 1 class 8:30am
10am Perimenopause & Menopause Workshop.  In person & zoom.  $50 per participant.  Event is open to the public as well.


2 x

solider kick


runners lunge

4 ATYW (plates)

10 Bird Dog

10 Rows w/empty bar

Pendlay Row (6×4 record heaviest 1×4)
Metcon (Time)

Min 0-5

3 Rounds

20 Double Unders

20 Sit Ups

Metcon (Time)

Min 5-10

3 Rounds

20 Air Squats

10 V Ups

Metcon (Time)

Min 10-15

2 Rounds

20 Double Unders

20 Sit Ups

20 Air Squats

10 V Ups

  1. banded leg stretch
  2. calf stretch
  3. prone shoulder