CrossFit – Mon, May 13
Sunday 5/19 1 class 8:30am
10am Perimenopause & Menopause Workshop.  In person & zoom.  $50 per participant.  Event is open to the public as well.



10 leg swings

10 pvc pass thrus

pvc front rack stretch

5 xo sym WY negatives

5 xo sym snow angels

5 xo sym bear hug


5 min emom

2 front squat

2 hang squat xlean

2 thruster

Front Squat (6×2 record heaviest 1×2)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

13 min AMRAP

20 double unders

12 DB box step ups 30/20 (rx+ 53/35)

8 DB deadlift

100 m run

  1. couch stretch
  2. elevated pigeon
  3. Pancake
  4. kneeling lat