CrossFit – Sat, Jun 1
R & R Challenge starts June 1st!
Grab your June Calendar, review the rules & ways to WIN
Then rack up those Meters!


12/10 cal – row/bike/ski

10 each:

band pull aparts

band pass thrus

band shoulder press

Band lunge – split jerk stance


5 shoulder press

5 push press

5 split jerks

5 split jerks (offside stance)

Split Jerk (5@60%, 5@70%, max @ 80%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

11 Min Amrap

12 DB Split Clean – alternating legs 30/20 (rx+ 50/35)

12 DB Split Jerk – alternating legs

12 Renegade Rows


Band Hip Flexor – rig

Band Pigeon

Band Overhead stretches