CrossFit – Fri, Oct 13
Grab your sheet – gift card prizes for the winners!15th Anniversary Party
Sat 10/21 5-9pm
80s Movie Theme
RSVPSaturday 10/14 – Domestic Violence Survivor Wod 8am, 9am & 10 am Advanced class (in addition to extra programming for Adv.).
Sunday 10/15 – Blindness Awareness – Finding the Light Wod 8:30 & 9:30am

Metcon (Time)

Buy In – Hill 600M Run

5 Rounds

10/12 Cal row/bike/ski

30 Walking Lunge

30 Box Step Ups 24/20″

6 Deadlifts 185/125 (+225/155)

Buy Out Hill 600 M Run

35 min cap