CrossFit – Tue, Aug 13
Everything on the merch rack is $10 (tax included)Have you ordered your 2 week detox kit yet?


10 PVC pass thrus

10 Round the world


Runners Lunge

Side Lunge

Inch Worm


5 Shoulder press

5 push press

5 push jerk

3 Front Squat

Kneeling Lat stretch

Push Jerk (7×1 record heaviest 1)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata (1 min rest between exercises)

  1. Burpees
  2. Wall Ball
  3. Grasshoppers
  4. Hollow Rocks

    score total reps

  1. 3 position scorpion
  2. Couch
  3. up/down dog
  4. Prone shoulder