CrossFit – Mon, Sep 23
Nutrition Clinic – Let us help you gear up for a successful holiday season with all the tricks to avoid the Halloween thru Valentine's day weight gains!
Wednesday 10/2    6:30pm with Coaches Ty & Lori
Come learn all the tips for a Happy Holiday Season, delicious recipes that won't leave you feeling regret, mocktails, and a delicious dessert to try.
$50 per participant.  This clinic is open to all!Please join us Sunday, October 6th for our Annual Fundraiser to help victims of Domestic Violence.    Broken to Priceless   will be on site, leading us through a workout while accepting donations to fund their organization.
All are welcome to join – instead of a Drop In Fee for guests we'd ask that you donate to   Broken to Priceless.
For all guests please complete the waiver online before participating in a class.



10 Band Pass Thrus

10 Band Pull Aparts

10 Leg Swings

10 Stripper Squats

20 Kayaks (med ball)

8 Inch worms

Accessory Work

Hip Circle Activation


8 Slant Board Goblet Squat

8 ATG Split Squat

8 Cossack Squat

8 Curtsey Squat

8 Good Mornings

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata 1 min rest between exercises

  1. DB Snatch 25/15 (rx+ 30/20)
  2. jumping lunge
  3. Push Up
  4. Row/Bike/Ski Calories




3 POS Scorpion