CrossFit – Sun, Jan 19
Wholly Balls are in for purchase!   A clean and delicious protein snacks, great after a hard workout!Monday – 2 classes 8:30am & 9:30am – reservations needed!


2 min

10 leg swings ea

10 air squats

10 alt spiderman

20 Mtn Climbers

KB 2x

10 KB Deadlift

10 Russian KB Swings

Skill Work

Rope Climbs

  1. test for reaching tape with fewest footlocks
  2. test single rope climb for time – ground to ground with controlled descent
Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

30/25 Row/Bike/Ski

30 Mtn Climbers

30 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (rx+ 70/53)

2 Rope climbs

2 minute rest between rounds


kneeling wrist

up/down dog

3 pos scorpion