CrossFit – Sun, Jan 19
Wholly Balls are in for purchase! A clean and delicious protein snacks, great after a hard workout!Monday – 2 classes 8:30am & 9:30am – reservations needed!
Skill Work
Rope Climbs
- test for reaching tape with fewest footlocks
- test single rope climb for time – ground to ground with controlled descent
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
30/25 Row/Bike/Ski
30 Mtn Climbers
30 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (rx+ 70/53)
2 Rope climbs
2 minute rest between rounds
kneeling wrist
up/down dog
3 pos scorpion
2 min
10 leg swings ea
10 air squats
10 alt spiderman
20 Mtn Climbers
KB 2x
10 KB Deadlift
10 Russian KB Swings