CrossFit – Tue, Jan 21
Wholly Balls are in for purchase!   A clean and delicious protein snacks, great after a hard workout!

Warm Up

Soldier Kick

Runners Lunge

Inch Worm

20 Jumping Jacks

10 Push Ups

10 Jumping Jacks

10 Push Ups

2x w/barbell

10 Bench Press

8 Seated Shoulder Press

Bench Press (5×5 Build to max set of 5)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 min Amrap

DB Power Clean & Jerk

30/20 (rx+ 50/35)

Rest 2 minutes before bonus abs

Bonus Abs

Tabata Hollow Rock


3 POS scorpion

Prone Shoulder
