CrossFit – Mon, Oct 7
Perimenopause & Menopause workshop 10/10 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Space is limited to 10.  $50WEAR PINK on Thursday 10/17 for our Breast Cancer WOD & Fundraiser!


3 min cardio

10 leg swings

10 stripper squats

5 inch worms

hip circle activation

5 each with no weight

Bulgarian split squat

single leg RDL

ATG split squat

Bulgarian Split Squat (est. 5 rep max)
Heaviest 1×5
Single Leg RDL (Romanian Dead Lift) (est 5 rep max)
ATG Split Squat (est 5 rep max)
Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

30/25 Cal Row/Bike/ski

17 Med Ball Cleans

34 Kayakers




½ Kneeling Thoracic Rotation