CrossFit – Wed, Oct 23
Saturday 10/26 – CFSR's Sweet 16 Anniversary – come to any class 8, 9 or 10am – workout and stay for food & drinks!
All are welcome!Halloween LAST CLASS is 4:30pm
  Veteran's Day hours
Fri 11/8 LAST CLASS 4:30pm
11/9 9am & 10 am Advanced Reservations
11/10 1 class 9:30am Reservations
Veteran's Day 11/11 7am & 8:30am Reservations


Runners Lunge

Inch Worm


5 rounds Rowling – 2 wall ball penalty per meter over or under 100 meters


4 Min EMOM

4 Shoulder Press behind neck

4 Push press (in front as usual)

4 Grasshoppers

Push Press (5×3 increase weight record heaviest 1×3)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min Amrap

8 S2OH 75/55 (rx+ 115/75)

12 Box Jumps 24/20″

20 Grasshoppers

Bonus Abs

work on L-Sit – accumulate 3 minutes on parallettes or rings


½ kneeling thoracic Rotation


Kneeling Wrist